Selected Articles: NATO at 70, Disband NATO

Global Research, April 07, 2019

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NATO at 70: Global Enforcers of Western Imperialism

By Michael WelchMahdi Darius Nazemroaya, and Andre Vltchek, April 07, 2019

Formed in the years immediately following World War II, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), then comprised of Canada, the United States, and ten European powers, was presented to the world as a defensive pact, wherein an attack on one member is an attack on all. The Encyclopedia Britannica explains that NATO was established and conceived as “a counterweight to Soviet armies stationed in central and eastern Europe after World War II.”

NATO – 70th Anniversary of the Most Murderous – and Legal – Organization on our Planet

By Peter Koenig, April 06, 2019

Estimates have it, that NATO and its ‘allies’, cronies, proxies and mercenaries killed more than 20 million people since NATO’s existence, basically since the end of WWII.

The NATO War of 1999 and the Impotence of International Law

By Dr. Hans Köchler, April 05, 2019

The unilateral use of force by NATO member states against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999 has made obvious the flaws of the United Nations system of collective security and has demonstrated the unenforceability of the ban on the use of force in contemporary international law.

NATO-Exit: Dismantle NATO, Close Down 800 US Military Bases, Prosecute the War Criminals

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 04, 2019

The dangers of a World War are casually dismissed. War is portrayed as a humanitarian endeavor. The Mainstream media contends that war is a peace-making undertaking and that NATO should be granted the Nobel Peace prize.

Extensive War Crimes: Break Away From NATO by Invoking Article 13 of the North Atlantic Treaty

By Mark Taliano, April 01, 2019

NATO and NATO member states, separately and together, destroy non-belligerent countries as policy. They destroy the rule of international law, they destroy socially uplifting economies, they destroy democratic political economies, they create millions of refugees, and their wars of aggression impose the death penalty on millions.

Ukraine: NATO in the Constitution

By Manlio Dinucci, February 13, 2019

The day after the signature of NATO’s membership protocol with North Macedonia as its 30th member, Ukraine did something without precedent: it included in its Constitution the engagement to enter officially into NATO and the European Union at the same time.

NATO’s Unrelenting Expansion Could Trigger a Major Nuclear War

By Shane Quinn, March 30, 2019

Less than two years ago Montenegro became the 29th state to join NATO, an American-led military alliance that has become a far-reaching intervention force since the USSR’s demise. The accession of mighty Montenegro to NATO must have set hearts fluttering across the Atlantic in Washington.


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