Selected Articles: Brexit Conundrum


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How English Nationalist Boris Johnson Is Turning the UK into a “US Colony”

By Henry McLeish, August 14, 2019

Boris Johnson and the right-wing Tories in Cabinet are English nationalists who hope to turn UK into a US ‘colony’, a country where EU regulations are replaced by limited welfare, minimum standards, low taxes and low pay, writes Henry McLeish.

Irish Newspaper Calls for Union between Ireland, Wales and Scotland

By Nation.Cymru, August 14, 2019

Writing for the newspaper, Jason O’Toole suggests that a pact of the four nations – Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales – would be similar to the Scandinavians with their Nordic Council.

UK Government Is Pushing Ahead with Extreme US Trade Deal

By True Publica, August 14, 2019

Currently, Britain has a Prime Minister who was elected not by the public, but by around 90,000 Conservative party members. With a majority in the House of Commons of just one seat, without any real political mandate, Britain is being pushed towards a hard Brexit.

Britain after Brexit: Welcome to the Vulture Restaurant

By Adam Ramsay, August 11, 2019

“Britain has no leverage, Britain is desperate … it needs an agreement very soon. When you have a desperate partner, that’s when you strike the hardest bargain.” So warned former US treasury secretary Larry Summers on Radio 4 ‘Today’ programme this morning, as new foreign secretary Dominic Raab jets off on a tour of North America to investigate potential trade deals.

Ireland can Stop a no-deal Brexit. Here’s How

By Fintan O’Toole, August 10, 2019

Ireland, North and South, is facing a political and economic crisis. But the key to preventing it lies in Irish hands. One Irish political party has the power to change the balance of power at Westminster and to alter the dynamics of British politics, prevent a no-deal Brexit, avoid a hard UK-Ireland border and save the economy of Northern Ireland from catastrophe.

U.K. Breakup? New Poll Sets the Scene for Scottish Independence Referendum

By Johanna Ross, August 07, 2019

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has hailed as ‘phenomenal’ a new poll which shows majority support for Scottish Independence. The survey, which was carried out by Lord Ashcroft in the wake of Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s visit to Scotland a week ago, puts those in favour of independence at 46% with 43% against.

Leaked: UK’s New Trade Secretary Met with US Pressure Groups to Discuss Weakening Regulations

By True Publica, August 06, 2019

In ‘off the record’ meetings last September, Liz Truss sought lessons from Donald Trump’s radical program of deregulation and tax cuts. The new international trade secretary, Liz Truss, met with hard-right pressure groups in Washington DC last year to learn about the benefits of Donald Trump’s deregulatory agenda, according to official documents obtained by Unearthed.


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Global Research, August 14, 2019

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