Selected Articles: Joe Biden Recruiting Allies

By Global Research NewsGlobal Research, April 08, 2021

Ukrainian President Headed to War Zone as U.S., Allies Push NATO Membership

By Rick Rozoff, April 08 2021

The pro-government press in Ukraine has announced that President Volodymyr Zelensky is to go to the Donbass conflict zone tomorrow, April 8. That means that within hours he will arrive in what is at the moment the world’s most dangerous hot spot.

Joe Biden Recruiting Allies

By Manlio Dinucci, April 08 2021

Joe Biden had announced it in his electoral program: “While President Trump has abandoned allies and partners, and abdicated American leadership, as president I will immediately take steps to renew the alliances of the United States.

Report: Biden May Expel Russian Diplomats and Impose More Sanctions

By Dave DeCamp, April 08 2021

According to a report from Bloomberg, the Biden administration is wrapping up its review of alleged Russian actions and could announce measures against Moscow soon.

United States Is Using Human Rights Issues to Attack China to Maintain Its Hegemony over the Global Economy

By Dr. Leon Tressell, April 08 2021

Biden’s presidency has been welcomed by Western media outlets as signifying a return to using diplomacy to peacefully resolve differences between nations. Yet in the 3 months since his inauguration President Biden has not dialled back from the anti-China rhetoric that was the hallmark of the Trump presidency.

US, British and French Covert Operations in Syria

By Shane Quinn, April 08 2021

In October 2011 and February 2012 the US-NATO alliance, with the support of the Gulf autocracies, tried to obtain UN Security Council resolutions, which in all probability would have served as a pretext for an invasion of Syria.

Video: What Is Australia’s Problem with China?

By Brian Berletic, April 08 2021

Australia continues to double down on its growing trade and political row with China. It is costing the Australian economy significantly, and backing it into a strategic corner only greater belligerence toward China and subordination to US regional ambitions will remain as options.

The Netanyahu Bribery and Corruption Scandal, the New Knesset Vote for Him to Become President

By Michael Jansen, April 08 2021

As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared in court on Monday in his trial on corruption, bribery and breach of trust charges, a senior member of his Likud Party said a majority of members of the new Knesset would be vote for him to become president.

Plight of Imprisoned African-Americans Worsens in the U.S. Historical Perspective

By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 08 2021

African Americans, people of Latin American descent and proletarian people in general make up the overwhelming majority of those held behind bars. These inmates are forced to work for slave wages producing goods and services for the capitalist and imperialist system.

EU Regulators Find ‘Possible Link’ Between Blood Clots and AstraZeneca Vaccine, but Claim ‘Benefits Still Outweigh Risks’

By Megan Redshaw, April 08 2021

The European Medicines Agency did not recommend restricting use of the vaccine based on age, but did say cases of blood clotting after vaccination “should be” listed as a possible side effect.

SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028: A Repeat Rehearsal of Event 201?

By Peter Koenig, April 08 2021

The SPARS Pandemic – 2025 to 2028 – A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Risk Communicators – The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. This 89 page-paper has supposedly been written in 2017, preceding by 2 years the by now infamous Event 201 that took place in NYC on 18 October 2019.

New Roundup Cancer Trials Loom Despite Bayer Settlement Efforts

By Carey Gillam, April 08 2021

Ken Moll, a Chicago-based personal injury attorney, has dozens of lawsuits pending against the former Monsanto Co., all alleging the company’s Roundup weed killers cause non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and he is now preparing several of those cases for trial.

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12 November 2020The original source of this article is Global ResearchCopyright © Global Research News, Global Research, 2021

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