US ‘democracy’ is run by and for the oligarchs: Analyst

A rally in support of then-US President Donald Trump turned deadly when thousands of attendees stormed the US Capitol building on January 6, 2021.

The United States is not a democracy. It is “the global capitalist system run by and for the oligarchs” who control the country, according to an American political commentator in Oregon.

Charles Dunaway made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Saturday after US President Joe Biden called the January 6 attack on the Capitol by former President Donald Trump’s loyalists an “existential crisis,” stressing that while American democracy survived, “the struggle is far from over.”

“The insurrection was an existential crisis—a test of whether our democracy could survive. It did,” Biden said Wednesday at his first joint address before Congress.

“But the struggle is far from over. The question of whether our democracy will long endure is both ancient and urgent.”

Dunaway said, “Biden, or to be more precise the gaggle of Washington insiders who prepare his teleprompter scripts, speaks in coded language.  The January 6th insurrection did reveal an existential crisis, but one that has nothing to do with democracy.  The political jargon of the US government has been particularly effective on its political class who may still believe there is a democracy here, but the people of this nation are rapidly discovering there is not.”

“When US leaders talk about democracy, they mean the global capitalist system run by and for the oligarchs who control the United States. In this definition, nations that hold regular elections in which all citizens can participate – Iran, Venezuela, China, and Russia – are considered authoritarian regimes while those who make a mockery of the term like the Zionist regime in Palestine are hailed as great democracies,” he stated.

“The existential crisis engendered by the storming of the US Capitol is one of credibility. Can anyone take the US seriously as a world leader when it is so bitterly divided internally?  When its people have no faith in the government or in the press or even in their academic institutions, can it long survive as the world hegemon?  Can a nation that cannot house, feed, educate or provide medical care to its people continue to see itself as an exceptional nation?” the analyst asked.    

“As Biden suggests, the US regime will continue to struggle to regain its status.  It will continue trying to force other nations to obey its dictates and punish those who refuse.  In the end, it will fail; but many thousands both inside the US and out will continue to suffer because of its obstinate refusal to accept reality,” he concluded.

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